2007년 10월 23일 화요일

Towards an Ontological Language for Game Analysis

In philosophy, ontology is the study of being or existence and forms the basic subject matter of metaphysics. It seeks to describe or posit the basic categories and relationships of being or existence to define entities and types of entities within its framework.

In computer science and information science, an ontology is a data model that represents a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships between those concepts. It is used to reason about the objects within that domain.

Ontology in Computer Science
In computer science, an ontology is a data model that represents a domain and is used to reason about the objects in that domain and the relations between them.
• Individuals: the basic or ‘ground level’ objects
They are all instants, which have yet no relationship between them and so there is no hierarchy of data. These all data will be put in classes according as their entities.
• Classes: sets, collections, or types of objects
Every class behaves as an independent object like as an object oriented program language. You can easily make a new class which includes the entities of the original and change it.
• Attributes: properties, features, characteristics, or parameters that objects can have and share
Under Attributes come properties, features, characteristics or parameters that object can have and share.
• Relations: ways that objects can be related to one another
This is the ways how a class can be connected with one another.

Use of the ontological language for game

• based on perceive or experience as players
 Our ontology is primarily based on that which we can perceive or experience as players
• Every game will be divided in this ontological language system
 An ontological language identifies the important structural elements of games and the relationships between them through organizing them hierarchically.
• An ontology is different than a game taxonomy in that, rather than organizing games by their characteristics or elements, it is the elements themselves that are organized. there is no necessity of presume to have any inside knowledge of the game designer’s ideas or intentions, how the game was implemented or even the internal functioning of a game.

I think, the system of ontological language has the same advantages which OOP (object oriented programming) has. There is already a structure that is standardized in a hierarchical form and the objects are ready to be use. This structure acts like OOP. You can create a new game efficiently and economically in use and connect the objects of the system. Through this system will be created a better gameness of a game with small efforts.

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